React Native Radio

React Native Radio

Latest Episodes

RNR 242 - Inspecting React Native 0.69
July 15, 2022

In this episode, Mazen and Robin dive into the latest release of React Native - Version 69!! They dive into what's changed and whats new in this version, along with attempting to discuss sportsball.

RNR 241 - Redux Toolkit vs MobX-State-Tree Showdown
July 01, 2022

Should you use Redux or MobX-State-Tree? Robin, Mazen, and Jamon do a breakdown of the various tradeoffs of these two popular state management libraries.

RNR 240 - What’s New in Expo SDK 45
June 24, 2022

We've got a new Expo SDK! In this episode Jamon, Robin and Mazen dig into whats new and exciting with Expo SDK 45.

A Special Announcement
June 21, 2022

Tune in for this special announcement from Jamon and Robin!

RNR 239 - Shrink your app with ProGuard - James Hamilton
June 16, 2022

In this episode, Jamon and Mazen, joined by James Hamilton, discuss how to make your Android APK file smaller using ProGuard.

RNR 238 - Accessibility in React Native with Lizzi Lindboe
June 10, 2022

Lizzi Lindboe joins Robin, Mazen, and Jamon aka Barry White to talk about accessibility in React Native!

RNR 237 - React Native on Desktop
May 27, 2022

In this episode Robin and Mazen hold down the fort while Jamon is gone and talk about their experiences with using React Native for desktop apps.

RNR 236 - Reanimated 2 with Krzysztof Magiera
May 20, 2022

Jamon and Mazen are joined by Krzysztof Magiera, Director of engineering at Software Mansion to talk about all things Reanimated 2, and beyond.

RNR 235 - Dissecting React Native 0.68
May 13, 2022

In this episode, Jamon, Robin, and Mazen go through some of the differences in React Native 0.68. We also find out that somehow Robin managed to get "banned" from Twitter Communities.

RNR 234 - React Native Tips and Tricks
May 06, 2022

In today's episode, Robin and Mazen talk about some common issues and errors you might encounter when building apps with react native and how to fix them.