Rdella Training : The Strength & Performance Podcast

Rdella Training : The Strength & Performance Podcast

Dan John - 40 Years with a Whistle

April 10, 2019

(#279) Renowned strength coach and multi-book author, Dan John, returns to the podcast to discuss his latest book, 40 Years with a Whistle. Dan John is one of the top coaches in the industry and a person who has impacted me personally at a very high level, both as an athlete and coach. His books are some of the most highly-utilized resources in my home library and that says a lot about the value he provides to coaches, trainers, and athletes around the world. As always, I learn something new and valuable in each conversation. This is a special interview with amazing insights and lessons from his life and his new book. Here’s what you’ll this week: How Dan’s NEW book compares to his previous work A quick overview of ALL his great books How the idea came together for 40 Year with a Whistle An overview and framework of the new book How the new book has been “writing itself” since 1972 The difference between a mentor and a coach What is a coach? The surprising answer What is the important job of a mentor? The best places to find mentors How I read Dan’s books Why Dan’s books are “un-put-down-able” One of Dan’s great lessons about writing great content Why Constant Assessment and Constant Upgrading are essential What it really means to Work O-U-T Why there’s no such thing as a “perfect” anything Why “everything works” for about 6 weeks Things Dan is working to constantly upgrade Goals vs Success What is true success? The impact and mentorship Tim Anderson The story of Connacht Rugby mentored Dan Why Dan hates when people think his work is “simple” The true secret to coaching (the hardest part of coaching) What is snap-a-city? Dan’s take on exercise and fat loss Who Dan wrote the new book for What he hopes readers take away 40 Years What Dan says his great coaches did for him *The top 3 things that Dan says makes a great coach What’s next for Dan after the new book Specific training examples that Dan is working on… What is the art of re-reading? Dan’s closing advice on “making a difference” “The hardest workout I know” by Dan John [click_to_tweet tweet="“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.” - Dan John" quote="“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.” - Dan John" theme="style5"] Get value from the podcast? Then, please take a minute to review the show. It’s fast and easy to do. To see how to post a review in Apple Podcasts, go to RdellaTraining.com/review SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW ON APPLE PODCASTS SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW THE SHOW ON STITCHER NOW AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY!!! LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE ON GOOGLE PLAY LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE ON OVERCAST The Rdella Training® Podcast is published each week with valuable training information and amazing interviews with many “world-class” coaches, experts, and authors in the fitness industry. MY OWN "DAN JOHN" BOOK LIBRARY The Rdella Training Podcast is committed to helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts consistently evolve, grow, and become the strongest and best version of themselves. We teach intelligent training and lifestyle for serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated lifters all over the world. [click_to_tweet tweet="“I want to learn, I want to ask questions, I want to be better.” - Dan John " quote="“I want to learn, I want to ask questions, I want to be better.” - Dan John " theme="style5"] What makes a coach great? 1-Show up! 2-You can’t quit on yourself or your athletes 3-Ask questions & constantly assess SHOW NOTES AND LINKS: DanJohn.net OTPBooks.com One Lift A Day on T-Nation 40 Years and 40 Lessons on T-Nation From Dad To Grad OriginalStrength.net Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia Keys To Progress Weightlifting, Olympic Style by Tommy Kono DID YOU GET YOUR MOBILITY FIX? [jbox color="red" radius ="2"]Follow @RdellaTraining on Instagram for high-value training tips, tutorials and education.[/jbox] [jbox color="yellow" radius ="2"]Community page: RdellaTraining.com/ask.[/jbox] Spread the word! Please share this on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere