Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

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1st Century Church 21st Century World 2 – Spiritual Transformation
January 27, 2017

This 21st Century World needs a 1st Century Church. In week 1 we told you the “1st Church” was ALL ABOUT JESUS. In week 2 we want to tell you.. The 1st Century Church experience and expected Spiritual Transformation.

1st Century Church 21st Century World 1 – All about Jesus
January 09, 2017

We want to be a 1st Century Church and connect with a 21st Century World. The 1st Century Church was ALL ABOUT JESUS! When we look in the book of Acts we find a very alive Jesus. Jesus is active in every chapter of the book of Acts. Jesus heals,

Power comes through Connection
January 03, 2017

It is possible for your power needs to outweigh your power supply. When we attempt to draw more power than a circuit can provide we will be left powerless. In life we need to be connected to a power source that can supply our power need.

Hope 4 the Holidays 4 – Hope delivers himself up
December 28, 2016

Hope delivers himself up. Magi came and worshipped the Christ Child. We don’t know much about the Magi. Scripture does not give us their number, names, mode of transportation, or countries of origin. The only specific we are given is that they gave 3 g...

Hope 4 the Holidays 3 – Hope Holds us Up
December 23, 2016

Hope Holds us Up. When you see no hope in front of youthere is still a hope that you can grasp.  This is the story of the Apostle John and his Gospel account. After all that John had been through, the loss, suffering the dark circumstance,

Hope for the Holidays 2 – Hope Speaks Up
December 17, 2016

The world is LOUD! Evil is loud. Hatred is loud. You don’t really need someone to tell you this, becuase loud things don’t need to be pointed out. You don’t need me to tell you the world is a dangerous place. Terrorism is plenty loud enough.

Hope 4 the Holidays 1 – Hope Showed Up
December 09, 2016

We need Hope for the Holidays. We need hope more than gifts, decorations, and holiday parties. Hope is often overlooked in December. Hope is what this season is about. We need to remember when hope showed up. Mary carried hope within her.

Reboot 4 – Reboot the Relationship
December 03, 2016

Reboot the Relationship Relationships are a valuable part of life. When relationships become weakened, damaged, or unhealthy sometimes they need to be rebooted.  By listening, forgiving, and spending time we can work to repair damaged relationships.

Reboot 3 – Total Transformation
November 27, 2016

You desire a total transformation in atleast one area of life. We dream of the redecorated house, the completed college degree, or the fit and trim body. We want a total transformation, but it takes more than saying we want it.

Reboot 2 – Plan, Progress, Process, Persevere
November 18, 2016

You need a plan. A better life does not happen by accident. You need a plan. You need a plan that brings progress. Do you have a plan? Is it working? Do you despise the process? In a world that only appreciates a finished product,
