Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Latest Episodes

Relationship Status 1 – Single people are valuable
February 10, 2018

Single people are valuable There is a real thing in our culture that makes single people feel like there is something wrong with them. Singleness is often thought of as a curse. We want you to know that is not true.

Limitless 4: Limitless Riches
February 03, 2018

It is impossible to find money and not smile. Money is a major subject in God’s Word. The search for riches is a major factor in our culture. Jesus tells us something unsettling about the riches of this world… Matthew 13:22 (NIV2011) The seed falling a...

Limitless 3 – Limitless Wisdom
February 03, 2018

God has Limitless Wisdom. The world is looking for a lot of things. The world looks for peace, cleaner air & water, stronger economies, innovation, success, power, a better life… on and on the list of what the world seeks is long.

Limitless 2 – Limitless Love: Bad at Love
January 27, 2018

Do you have Limitless Love? God has Limitless Love and the more you walk with Him, the more unlimited your love should become. There are no limits to God’s love. God is Love (1 John 4:8). His love endure forever (Psalm 136).

Limitless 1 – Limitless Power
January 22, 2018

You have limitless power! I know that sometimes we feel powerless, but the truth is that God has placed limitless power within us all. God has placed limitless possibility & potential inside of you. You have limitless possibility to decide to do or bec...

Carols 4 – Magnificat Decision
December 28, 2017

We need to make a Magnificat Decision this Christmas season. Do you know what the oldest Christmas Carol is? It was actually written by Mary after she had an encounter with the Angel Gabriel and talked it over with her cousin Elizabeth.

Carols 3 – O come O come Emmanuel
December 20, 2017

O come Emmanuel We love the message of “Christ has come!” The CAROLS of this Christmas Season declares it in beautiful ways. The background of these songs that we know by heart is sometimes surprising. For instance,

Carols 2 – O Come All Ye Faithful, Joyful, Triumphant
December 14, 2017

Full sermon notes available here: A Christmas favorite is definitely the carol “O Come All Ye Faithful.” It was originally written in Latin in the 1700’s and in the 1800’s translated into the...

Carols 1 – O Holy Night
December 07, 2017

O Holy Night One of our favorite things about the Christmas season is that everywhere we go we hear songs proclaiming that Christ has come to earth. Let’s take a deeper look at the lyrics we know so well and focus on what should be the true meaning of ...

Change your World – Outcry: The Key to a Big Change
November 27, 2017

We are called to change the world. Do you want little change or BIG CHANGE? God still does powerful supernatural things, and God is willing to work His power for anyone (He is no respecter of persons). So do you want God’s Big Change?
