Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Latest Episodes

Home Improvement 2 – Fix Your Home!
April 26, 2018

Home Improvement 2 – Fix Your Home You don’t need to be a home owner very long to know that homes need fixing. If you are renting the house, apartment, or condo you would just call the landlord. But when you own the home,

Home Improvement 1 – Build Your Home
April 19, 2018

Home Improvement 1 – Build Your Home Everyone lives somewhere… Improve the situation! We all have a space in our lives where we are seeking to build something new. God put a desire inside us to build a home.. a life, a family, a career, an education,

Jesus Loves Meme 6 – Be Like Jesus
April 11, 2018

        A few years ago, social media was flooded with memes telling us to “Be Like Bill.” Who is this mysterious stick-figure? As Christians we are commanded to be like Jesus. Is that even possible? Where do we start? Is Bill like Jesus?

Jesus Loves Meme 5 – What If I Told You?
April 02, 2018

 Jesus Loves Meme 5 – What if I told you What if I told you. What if I told you there was something wrong? What if I told you there was essential information that would change everything? What if I told you Jesus changes everything?

Jesus Loves Meme 4 – Y U NO Meme?
March 29, 2018

What would you do if Jesus posted a meme and tagged you in it? Well to our knowledge Jesus does not have an official social media account, but all the same, we found a meme that Jesus would definitely share.

Jesus Loves Meme 3 – Yo Dawg Meme
March 22, 2018

Yo Dawg I heard you like sermons that feature yo dawg memes! Chances are you have no clue what the Yo Dawg meme is. That is ok. No judgements here, but we would like to share this meme with you and explain why Jesus would love this meme.

Jesus Loves Meme 2- Also Me
March 17, 2018

A meme is an idea that is conveyed through the culture. It often uses pictures. To our knowledge Jesus does not have an official social media account, but still we like to think about what it would be like to be social media friends with Him.

Jesus Loves Meme 1 – Seems Legit
March 11, 2018

Memes can be silly, but they can also communicate and impact culture. Memes that spread and “go viral” usually resonate with many people’s personal experience. For example, it’s easy to identify with the “Seems Legit” meme.

Relationship Status 3 – It’s Complicated
February 21, 2018

Relationships aren’t always easy. We understand that. What we don’t understand is the “It’s Complicated” relationship status. What exactly does that mean? “It’s complicated” means sort of. There is some kind of relationship there,

Relationship status 2: Married – A Covenant of Covering
February 13, 2018

A Covenant of Covering Your marriage needs a covenant of covering. Not enough marriages have this covenant. This might be a contributing factor to the 50% divorce rate in the United States. Our society has a growing negative sentiment towards marriage ...
