Raw Food Barefoot Athlete

Raw Food Barefoot Athlete

Running with headphones good or bad

February 25, 2014
Running with headphones good or bad

The common comment I hear is ” when I am in training for my Marathon I need something to help me through all those K’s ”

Stop it then, don’t do it, I have no connection with you. 

For me Marathon running is for people who have other goals and aspirations, other than achieving a level of the fitness that I aspire to.

Marathon running is an event not a sport, same as Ironman triathlon.

Good morning, Good evening, Good afternoon, wherever you are

on this bright blue bubble in space we call our world

Training and races

Mt Mee Marathon,   Hills, distance and speed

Ingredient of the week

Desiccated Coconut

What’s on and what been happening

Developing relationships for the next RBAW

Essential oils, Kombucha TEA making, Minimalist Shoes

Topic of the week

Is It Dangerous to Run With Headphones

 It’s a dangerous practice and doctors have definitely seen an increase in the number of runners who had accidents while wearing headphones, so the question is running with headphones good or bad

Results There were 116 reports of death or injury of pedestrians wearing headphones.

The majority of victims were male (68%) and under the age of 30 (67%).

The majority of vehicles involved in the crashes were trains (55%), and 89% of cases occurred in urban counties.

74% of case reports stated that the victim was wearing headphones at the time of the crash.

Many cases (29%) mentioned that a warning was sounded before the crash.

Conclusions The use of headphones with handheld devices may pose a safety risk to pedestrians, especially in environments with moving vehicles.

Pros for having earphones on 

Music can sometimes make running feel easier.

Studies find that music reduces your perception of how hard you are running by about 10 percent.

An external stimulus such as music can actually block some of the internal stimuli trying to reach the brain—such as fatigue-related messages from muscles and organs.

When these messages are blocked, this reduces a runner’s perception of effort, so you feel like you can run farther, faster.

Cons for running with headphones

One big problem is that listening to music can remove you from the other sounds that running produces, such as breathing and foot strike, which are essential cues.

They give you feedback on your effort.

Running while listening to music also removes you from the environment you’re in, which can be unsafe.

And in races, it makes you oblivious of other runners and you can’t hear the directions being given by officials.


Serious athletes tend to be associators, which means they focus intently on internal cues such as breathing, heart rate, and muscular tension.

This type of athlete tends to not derive as much benefit from external stimuli such as music.

Then there are “dissociators.” Your average active person falls into this category. For these people, music can be a motivational force.

Dissociators will seek it to distract them from the boredom often associated with exercise.

So why do you run


For me I like to run and listen to my body and sometimes I go and just run, just like the saying “sometimes I sit and think sometimes I just sit”

The ability to be at peace and be calm is something we’ve lost in our culture; we’ve lost it in favor of multitasking.

I would agree that listening to music, podcasts or audiobooks during running is a form of multitasking.

When In the “flow state,” which is complete immersion in the task at hand, time almost seems to stand still.

You’re enjoying what you are doing, you feel at one with yourself.

This is why I am a proponent of a barefoot raw food lifestyle stripped down simplicity

The common comment I hear is ” when I am in training for my Marathon I need something to help me through all those K’s

Marathon running is an event not a sport, same as Ironman triathlon.

Marathon participation around the world is booming in recent years.

Given the numbers supported by data, it’s obvious that running the vaunted Marathon distance is quickly becoming the de facto goal for many beginner runners.

The intention to get of the couch and start a new life based on activity, healthy eating, and mindful decisions is something to be encouraged.

Though, endurance events are not a long term viable choice in many aspects for the vast majority of punters.

I am not going to make myself popular with the hard core marathhoners and Ironmen tattooed contingent, but they are just another money/ time sucking event.

Being events that has very little to do with health and fitness, and more to what it has to do with obsessive indulgence and buying the latest and greatest toy that the consumer marketplace has on offer.

I am not saying that you should not set a goal to compete in a ironman event or run a marathon, climb Mt everest, or firewalk

Just understand your reasons why you want to be involved, for health and fitness or purge yourself of demons and dragons that there are better ways to slay.

 As  always If you want a
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