Raw Food Barefoot Athlete

Raw Food Barefoot Athlete

Raw Food Barefoot Adventure

February 11, 2014


Raw Food Barefoot Adventure
What makes an expert ?

After our successful launch of the Raw Food Barefoot Adventure weekend Sonya and I had time to reflect on all that led up to the decision to hold such an event.

We had all the human frailties going on in our consciousness of fear and judgment, but I realized that I didn’t have to be an “expert,† it’s just a concept that has been made up and then given a status that is flawed at its best.

All we had to do was share what we know.  We did not have to be 100% right, possess flawless enunciation of words, or be perfect presenters.

Podcast content :

Race Reports and Training

we actually did some training this week   :-)

Ingredient of the week


What’s on and what been happening

lessons from our successful Raw food Barefoot Adventure launch

Over the next couple of weeks I will be editing the video we took and will be sending out links to a PDF  with the handouts, recipes, and references sources to material covered over the weekend.


Topic of the week

What is an Expert?

Expert is taken to have a meaning of being proficient and knowledgeable about a certain topic.

It doesn’t mean you have to know everything. If you’re teaching something advanced, then you may need to know a bit more, but you will never know everything.

Some of the synonyms for expert are: Skilled, Trained, Adept, nowhere does it say infallible or all knowing.

I realized that I did have something to say. Just because I could have the thoughts I had nothing to teach people didn’t make it true.

None of my doubts were as important as the realization that what I had in my own life had helped me. It was based in good science, been experientially lived and shown to be effective.

There’s a reason you feel driven to do what you feel you must do.

It’s only a thought that stops you from starting.

What if you stopped trying to second guess an outcome and simply took action, could you make a difference if you simply shared what you knew.

Take action and see what happens, for us it was to put on our

Raw Food Barefoot Adventure weekend

If you are passionate about what you want to share, the results will always be a learning.

At first it may not go as you would have imagined.

Being that you are excited and passionate about your “thing”, you will get to understand it’s all part of a learning curve for what you were meant to do.

Part of my early development in understanding thoughts and beliefs was from  Gregory Neville  in his book “Effective Counseling” there I read material that had great impact on me.

Understanding that we are here to have an influence upon the lives of people who need to encounter us and we are  not individually the center of the universe.

By my decision to do, I am at the right place for my personal growth to occur, not by any willpower of mine, but just by acting within the factors that exist in the universe; we have not caused the events that we encounter in our life but rather these events are the result of other factors in the universe making sure that we encounter the situation we need to grow.

We are so very grateful to all participants of the weekend for your decision to attend.  Sonya’s meals were such a hit there is already another uncooking event on the calendar before our next planned event in June

As  always If you want a Question answered leave it in the comments or start up a conversation on the facebook page or on the the Mindfulness and the Zest for life Google + community page.