Raw Food Barefoot Athlete

Raw Food Barefoot Athlete

Mindfulness and Equanimity

February 05, 2014
Mindfulness and Equanimity


During mindfulness meditation we observe everything that passes before our attention, yet not get caught up in our thoughts – instead,  staying aware of what is going on in the present moment,


Race reports and training

Mental imagery

Ingrediant of the week


Whats new and whats on

this wekend event, trip to lake wyvenhoe

Topic of the week

Mindfulness and Equanimity

Acknowledge  your thoughts and then just let them pass by.

The breath is used as an anchor to the present moment, but, apart from that, no attempt is made to direct the attention.Mindfulness, oak

Equanimity is a fundamental skill for self-exploration and emotional intelligence. Mindfulness has no dogmas nor commandments. Mindfulness is about exploring reality and how to relate to it in a harmonious manner ie minimizing suffering and maximizing deep long-term Equanimity

It is a deep and subtle concept frequently misunderstood and easily confused with suppression of feeling, apathy or inexpressiveness.   Equanimity comes from the Latin word aequus meaning balanced, and animus meaning spirit or internal state.

How to Develop Equanimity

Developing equanimity involves the following aspects: Intentionally creating equanimity in your body attempting to maintain a continuous relaxed state over your whole body as sensations (pleasant, unpleasant, strong, subtle, physical, emotional) wash through.

Creating equanimity in your mind in each moment to be present inviting ourselves to interface with this moment in full awareness with the intention to embody as best we can an orientation of calmness mindfulness and equanimity right here and right now.…

This means attempting to let go of negative judgments about what you are experiencing and replacing them with an attitude of loving acceptance and gentle matter-of-factness

By noticing when you drop into states of equanimity and by exploring the state, you are training your subconscious to produce the state more frequently when feelings are experienced with equanimity, they assure their proper function as

Correct motivators and directors of behavior as opposed to distorting behavior.

Equanimity plays a critical role in changing negative behaviors Equanimity frees up internal energy for responding to external situations.

As  always If you want a Question answered leave it in the comments or start up a conversation on the facebook page or on the the Mindfulness and the Zest for life Google + community page.