The Chris Hall Podcast

The Chris Hall Podcast

Latest Episodes

003- "Kayla Cassivi" Ayahuasca Spiritual Medicine/Osteopathic Health/Social Media Relationships
January 13, 2019

This episode features former guest Kayla Cassivi! Kayla is studing osteopathic medicine as a full time student, yoga instructor, Youtuber, brand new podcaster and someone passionate about spreading awareness. Kayla shares with us her recent Ayahuasca...

002- "David Sandoval" Purium Co-founder & Visionary/Equatable Nutrition/Glyphosate/Vaccinations/Life Without Judgement
January 06, 2019

Dave Sandoval kicks off the newly rebranded show with vigor and passion! It was fitting and such a blessing to speak with Dave and share some knowledge to help educate the good people of Earth. Dave Sandoval is the Co-founder of Purium Health Products...

001- The Chris Hall Podcast!
January 02, 2019

Welcome to the Chris Hall show! Made some changes over the holiday season and the podcast name is just the beginning! This short episode is just me connecting with you and sharing my reasons for mixing things up. Moving forward I hope to expand my...

Episode 86 "Tavis Bradley" Professor Of Living Foods Alchemy, Conductivity Diet, Life Blood From Plants/Rawliving Foods
December 16, 2018

Tavis Bradley is a true healer! It was such a blessing to converse with him and share his holistic electrical approach to vitality and health. The very foods we eat shape and define our physiology! Tavis promotes a rawliving food lifestyle to activate...

Episode 85 "Troy Casey" Road to Yoked, Certified Health Nut, Holistic Lifestyle
December 09, 2018

This week Troy Casey visits the Podcast to educate, inspire and wake up the masses! Troy is a holistic health coach, keynote speaker, plant medicine expert, fitness ambassador and destroyer of bullshit! He's a man on a mission and battles lives...

Episode 84 "Detox Q&A With Mike Perrine #2"
December 06, 2018

Welcome back to the second edition of Detox Q&A with my friend and co-host Mike Perrine. Mike is a colon hydrotherapist, detox coach and owner of Vitality NYC. In this episode we take listener questions and break them down regarding health and...

Episode 83 "Take a Knee!"
November 24, 2018

Motivational talk...inspirational speech... call it what you will,but this short episode is my tip, advice for navigating the mental space for making change! We all hit that crossroad where we need to make a decision. Is it going to be in alignment or...

Episode 82 "Ronnie Landis" Metaphysical Manifestations of Self, Ancestral Detoxification And Dismantling Negative Energy
November 21, 2018

This episode is with author,holistic health & intuitive healer, podcaster, public speaker, functional nutritionist, creater of the Holistic Health Mastery Program and all around bad-ass Ronnie Landis! In this conversation we talk about creating our...

Episode 81 "Professor Spira" Physiological Transformation Thru Music, Cellular Immortality, Mucusless Offspring, MDHS E-course
November 16, 2018

Professor Spira is the world's leading authority on the Mucusless Diet Healing System founded by the late Arnold Ehret! Spira visited the podcast back in episode 23 where we discussed his backstory and introduction to Ehret. This time around we talked...

"Squeeze The Sponge" Spoken Word Poetry part 5
November 10, 2018

Follow me RAW FOOD FOOT SOLDIER: Facebook/Youtube/Instagram...... Email: Donate to the podcast: PayPal.Me/rawfoodfootsoldier..... Be sure to subscribe and leave a itunes review!....... Peace!..... Zack de la Rocha/...