Rational Survivor

Rational Survivor

Latest Episodes

#139 – General Podcast
July 07, 2015

“This isn’t the workplace of 10 years ago,” Dan Schawbel, founder ofWorkPlaceTrends, co-author of the study, and author of the New York Times bestselling book Promote Yourself, told Salon. “There’s a lot of pressure.

#138 – Oh No The Gays, Wifi Cracking, Economic News
June 29, 2015

News Gay Marriage - I dont want to take away from what was accomplished but. 5 to 4 vote? It should have been a 9 to 0 vote. - Cities are not allowing for marriage now... what the hell? illegal. can't wait for those lawsuits Economic News

137 – Interview with Gabriel Scheare From Fort Galt
June 29, 2015

    - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qkUc7PZp-U Show Topic: What is Fort Galt - Simple - Why are you doing this? - Lets dive deep into what Fort Galt Will Become - Rational Survival Theory Questions:

#136 – The Status Game
June 22, 2015

Lately I have been watching all my old friends make a lot of money. The type of money that i have never seen because I can't seem to stick to a Career path. - Money is not what I want, its time. and yet i spend most of my time trying to make money lol.

#135 – Back on Track
June 18, 2015

Jack is wrong about fracking! - Who cares if a white woman thinks shes black - Watched Fox News Gross. - Hillary is going to be the next president. N - No invested interest allows for me to see who things are playing out.

#134 – Who Wins With TPP and TISA
June 08, 2015

TPP and TISA who benefits Lets look at NAFTA who wins? -   What Have I Prepped Lately: Trailer nonsense Mentioned In The Show: http://www.askaprepper.com/post-apocalypse-gardening-what-you-need-to-know-in-advance/ http://www.

#133 – G-M-OVER IT
June 01, 2015

How is it ok to work full time and live in poverty? - Where the fuck is that money. That means 100,000,000,000,000 / 300,000,000 = 333,333 per person. That means majority of people's bottom line are well below. -

#132 - Convinced of Nothing
May 19, 2015

Not thrilled with this podcast but gotta go with it. - How to be an influence in a world where no one can be convinced of anything. - Issues with luckyanchor. Product cost - Giving discounts dilemma. - What this does to other businesses. -

#131 - Why You Must Own The Race Course
May 11, 2015

Diet Nutrabullet -   Own the Race Course Amazon Loopholes - gotta play by there rules Quick Arguements & Whatnot Minimum Wage - Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owne...

#130 - Preps as Usual, Setting that Daily Routine to Maximize Output
May 04, 2015

Arduino Sourcing products on amazon to build arduino garden Sourcing products for arduino for home security Ideas RelaySwitchescan be set to go off if no power Id hate to think our government has nukes this way. - Hacking -