Rational Survivor

Rational Survivor

#144 – Stagflation, Addressing Being Replaced

August 10, 2015

Being Replaced By Robots, Automation, & Flooded Workforce
Fight Fire with Fire

We need to find ways to automate. build assets.

Grow things you eat. Greens, meat, trees that produce for you. bees that work for you.

The American Nightmare
Welcome to Chicago. There Will Be No Economic Recovery.

* The difference between the two cities is that Chicago’s debt and unfunded liabilities are more than three times higher than Detroit’s were when the city declared bankruptcy in 2013.
* Chicago is unable to restructure its debt because the state does not allow municipalities to go bankrupt.
* To put things in perspective: Every Chicago household is currently on the hook for at least $63,800 in local-government debt.
* If things couldn’t possibly get any worse, the threat of another teachers strike is looming over the Chicago Public Schools with the expiration of the teachers’ union contract. Negotiations have not gone well.

American Infant mortality rate is high. Proves our health care system doesnt work

CEO Pay is out of control
Your pay raise this year: 3%, but the CEO's? 12.7%

Total median CEO pay increased 12.7 percent this year
Connecticut CEOs had the biggest increase, 38.7 percent
Denver CEOs took the smallest increase, 2.3 percent
20 years that is 240% increase in pay to 60% of average wage. Hasnt wages been flat for 6 years?

Maybe San Andreas Fault Will Go, Oooor Cheap land soon enough


2007 mortgage options are back, does this mean a sign of another collapse?

Where did the GDP Growth Go?

* If we adjust GDP for inflation, we get what's known as real GDP, which increased 31.6%: from 12,360 in 2000 to 16,270 in mid-2015. This works out to a real annual increase of about 1.9% annually.
* Taxes naturally rise with the economic expansion due to rising population, which has gone up about 13.8% since 2000: from 281 million residents of the USA to 320 million in 2015. So taxes rising a few percentage points each year along with growth and population would make sense. But 75%?

Rent Bubble = Housing Bubble = Rent Bubble
Here's the Next Crisis "Nobody Saw Coming"

* So state and local taxes have risen at a rate twice that of wages/salaries.