Raspberry Rock ASMR

Raspberry Rock ASMR

Latest Episodes

Inner Compass
March 12, 2020

Mindful living asks you to pay attention to you. At times we can feel lost and unsure of what direction to head in. You may always find yourself going towards something. Let your inner compass guide you back to you.

Quietly Electrific
February 27, 2020

Quiet moments are a chance to connect with our inner selves. Our minds can become crowded with the daily bombardment of information, clogging our inner light. Quieting the mind can create the space we need to self-reflect.

Sweet Spot
February 19, 2020

What is your relationship like with yourself? There are many relationships guides out there on how to be better a partner, but what about the most important relationship – YOU. Much of our time may be spent on others.

February 06, 2020

What do you get when you combine kindness and mindfulness? KINDFULNESS! Being kind is not just passively holding the door open for someone. It’s about being kind in our thoughts towards people with a focus on doing the right thing.

Blue Monday
January 23, 2020

Hate to break it to you, but there is no such thing as Blue Monday, in which a considerable amount of people feels depressed on the third Monday of January. This doesn’t mean you can’t feel blue on a Monday. With winter in our midst,

Knowing You
January 18, 2020

How well do you know you, the authentic you? For some of us, it is a scary proposition to go deep within ourselves and discover our true selves. It doesn’t have to be. Through small steps and bit of mindfulness, we can be the observer of our life,

January 11, 2020

Rituals can be a part of your daily mindful practice of living a life of well-being. They are not shrouded in hocus pocus and are anything but routine. This type of practice simply asks that you have an open mind in crafting a source of wellness to car...

January 03, 2020

New Year’s resolutions aim to give us hope and direction to carry out throughout the year. How purposeful are they? Consider a more wholehearted way to make New Year’s resolutions by crafting mindful intentions that are free flowing and truly reflects ...

Winter Mindfulness
December 27, 2019

The darkness of winter can be your light. The season has an abundance of offerings that can benefit your well-being. No longer does winter have to be bleak and dreary, but rather it can quietly nurture and rejuvenate you during this time of introspecti...

November 30, 2019

Feeling overwhelmed is no joy. Constantly feeling overwhelmed can possibly lead to burnout, anxiousness and physical unease. Burnout is not always associated within the workplace, but can occur through caregiving,