Randumbify Comedy Podcast

Randumbify Comedy Podcast

Episode # 17: A pair of Kermittens

March 03, 2015

This week our intrepid hosts apologize for last weeks apology for the not yet (but now) deceased Leonard Nimoy. Both Tim and Chris saw the Keanu Taken John Wick and have strong opinions about it.MEDIA REVIEW:John Wick - NO SPOILERSLast Man on Earth - Minor SpoilersHEADLINESMutant pig with human face and PENIS on its forehead' draws crowds - and cash offersMad Mike' Hughes wants to jump Detroit River in rocketASK TIM!Each week people write to Tim with questions and he answers to hilarious results. To submit your questions, you can email us at Randumbvideos@gmail.com, visit us on Twitter @randumbify #AskTim or post to our facebook page which is Facebook.com/Randumbify.Eric Lemmer: What do you do when you go get the mail and get half way down the driveway and then realize it's Sunday or a Holiday?Will Hayden: Tim, what is the what of whom? Roger 'Buddy' Allman asks: Tim; explain the term "dialectical metaphysics." Thanks.John CarrIt takes 2 miracles to be declared a saint. Have you worked any miracles?Jason Morisette asks:What is the Podcasting equivalent of Break a leg?