The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

2/21/16 - Featuring Dave Wilke (Wilke and Associates)

February 21, 2016

Making Taxes Less Taxing: How Listening to Dave Wilke's Advice This Sunday Will Help You Get Ready For April 18th

(Yes. April 18th....the official deadline to file last year's federal taxes...remember that the IRS gives us ALL a break this year.)

Raise your hand if you've already done your taxes for 2015.

Actually, if you're pretty sure you're getting money BACK with this year's return, you may already have gritted your teeth, knuckled down and done the dirty deed. Anything to get that sweet, sweet, tax return check into your hands ASAP, right?

But if you're in the "not yet" column, or, worse yet, in the "Yeah, I'm gonna wait until April 17th!" column, then this edition of "The Raja Show" is for you.

Raja will be talking with Dave Wilke, Founder and Managing Partner of Wilke and Associates CPA,, and Western Pennsylvania's go-to voice when it comes to making sure you get the most (literally) out of your tax processes, whether or not you are filing as an individual or a business or (gasp!) BOTH! And as those who have listened to Dave on our show, or American Entrepreneur Radio before that, or who have followed his extensive work with the Small Business Development Center at Duquesne University
can attest, Dave is also an expert in making sure that you and your business are covered the whole year round, providing guidance every step of the way for people who want to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to tax preparation.

On this show, Dave will have some exclusive tips for listeners of "The Raja Show" on the things you need to know before you file this year. Ask any of his extensive list of clientele, and they'll tell you what you'll find out by listening. Dave has NEVER steered them wrong when it comes to reliable, feasible, actionable tax planning and preparation advice.