Growing Nimble Families

Growing Nimble Families

Start with teaching kindness online with Galit Breen

October 28, 2016


If you’ve not seen,Raising a digital kid without having been one by Galit Breen of you are missing out. It’s a really good TED talk. Galit is our guest today and is author of the book Kindness Wins.
In an age of grit, perseverance and growth mindset some of the other skills like kindness have taken a bit of a battering. Isn’t kindness too soft a skill? Won’t they get eaten alive unless we teach them how to win at all costs?
We want our children to be kind and we enjoy experiencing kindness ourselves but we’re not always sure about how to translate that well online. When they get email or use text how do we encourage them to be kind, just the same as if they could see this person.  When they get their first social media accounts how will they comment and what types of things will they say?
We have a great discussion on raising digital kids not from a fear or knee jerk position. I know it’s hard. But leading with kindness first. Kindness always when we’re online with lots of practical suggestions.
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Show notes

01:54 How do you start the conversation about being online with your children?
03:39 How to encourage a pro kindness intentional attitude with our children about being online without just saying don’t do this and don’t do that without sharing what to do + examples
05:15 Boys and being kind. Tips on how to be kind
09:12 Time and years vs quick hacks and quick tips
10:52 How to come back from shame and hurt online ( personal perspective) + ideas for children
Resource: Savvy Parent’s club
Resource: Society of Nimble Parents
15:19 Online chat systems and comment systems- what advise for our children
20:18 What do to do when it feels weird teaching online things by sitting side by side with our children.
21:13  Three good modeling ideas we can use when we’re online to show them
24:38 The power of finding your group
28:41 How can we show kindness to our kids without feeling we’re not making them resilient or we’re doing them a disservice to raise kind kids in a tough world.
Quote: Parent for the moment and not what the moment means
35:25  4 Kindness books and friends recommendations
Resource 1: Be kind ( for kids)
Simple family projects Help heal and encourage family traditions and comforts
Resource 2: Be kind ( for us) self kindness matters– because we need to be kind to ourselves.
Resource And a crossover board called Caring, Gratitude and Mindfulness for families.