Ragecast With Mike and Ian

Ragecast With Mike and Ian

Hard N

March 09, 2013

A 'cast wherein people want to buy guns from the Hearty, Never-Say-Die Companion. We discuss a latent blackm'n and how we totally aren't racist, you honkeys. Macklemore and Lewis are fun and everything, but, seriously, come on. Really? Someone went to another Minus the Bear concert or whatever and has to blab incessantly about it and then might be movin' Californey Way, but probably not. Food comes up again, because food is a thing that happens sometimes. And we cap the episode by realizing that drawing ponies loses pretty much all of its charm when you're a 27 year old man.
RagecastWithMikeAndIan?d=yIl2AUoC8zA RagecastWithMikeAndIan?d=TzevzKxY174 RagecastWithMikeAndIan?i=LI3kYKdf5CM:X9aCaKNON0Y:gIN9vFwOqvQ RagecastWithMikeAndIan?d=l6gmwiTKsz0 RagecastWithMikeAndIan?i=LI3kYKdf5CM:X9aCaKNON0Y:KwTdNBX3Jqk RagecastWithMikeAndIan?d=qj6IDK7rITs RagecastWithMikeAndIan?i=LI3kYKdf5CM:X9aCaKNON0Y:V_sGLiPBpWU RagecastWithMikeAndIan?d=7Q72WNTAKBA RagecastWithMikeAndIan?i=LI3kYKdf5CM:X9aCaKNON0Y:F7zBnMyn0Lo RagecastWithMikeAndIan?d=dnMXMwOfBR0 RagecastWithMikeAndIan?d=63t7Ie-LG7Y