Radio Headspace

Radio Headspace

Bonus episode: Derew Gaw

January 15, 2016

This month on Radio Headspace, I’m speaking to people who have added one thing to the world, and changed everything, whether that’s an idea, a movie, a book, a place, an invention, something that has left a positive legacy in some way. This week, a short bonus conversation for you, with Derek Gaw from MakerLabs in Vancouver. During the day he helps people make things, and at night he dreams of all the awesome things that could be made if only he had more tools.

Next week I’ll be heading to McFarland, California to talk to Coach Jim White, the real life inspiration behind the 2015 Disney movie, be sure to subscribe to Radio Headspace on iTunes so you don’t miss it. If you want to get in touch or tell us about someone you think has changed everything in your community, your field, your country, please do. You can contact us at