Radio Headspace

Radio Headspace

#52 On Reconnecting: Levi Felix & Alexandra Horowitz

February 12, 2016

This week on Radio Headspace, I was inspired to take a deeper look at how we can take a realistic and rewarding break from our screens, and spend better time with the people and places around us.

This is a conversation that we’ve touched on previously on the podcast, but it came up again on a recent trip to New York. While I was there I was introduced to Levi Felix, the founder of Camp Grounded and of the digital detox movement. On my return to Los Angeles, I decided to look for simple ways to put my phone away and find more presence in my day to day routine.

This episode follows that journey, through conversations with Levi Felix as well as the excellent author of ‘On Looking’, Alexandra Horowitz. I also spend time with friends on activities that take us away from the devices we are too often tethered to.

Thank you so much to everyone who was a part of this week’s podcast and thanks for listening. As always, if you want to get in touch with us you can at and please do take a second to subscribe to RHS on iTunes if you can, it means a lot. I’ll see you here next time for another episode of Radio Headspace.