QuiltMoxie the Podcast meets Craftsy by Ariana ...knitting quilting sewing

QuiltMoxie the Podcast meets Craftsy by Ariana ...knitting quilting sewing

2 Adventures in Fair Isle

April 19, 2013

Topics include:

1. Ravelry Group Setup

2. Adventures in Fair Isle

3. Celtic Cables

Ariana recounts her adventures in Fair Isle, which is ongoing. Taking the online class The Fair Isle Vest: Stranded & Steeked Mary Jane Mucklestone, Ariana learns to knit shetland wool into a gorgeous vest . After she photographs and posts pictures to the Craftsy platform, the vest felts in her washing machine. She talks about:

✓ Monkey socks by Cookie A.
✓ how to rescue a felted garment
✓ Steeking
✓ Finishing stranded knitting
✓ Frogging ribbing to come and more.

Ariana continues with Celtic Cables which includes steeking the body and attaching the sleeves.