We Have Questions

We Have Questions

Batman V. Superman

November 21, 2016

Hey, kids, who wants a Jolly Rancher? We watched Batman v Superman the Extended edition this week and whooo boy, I'm gonna need some nondescript Kentucky mash Bourbon to get through this nightmare. Alicia thinks this story line happened in an alternate dimension and spends most of the podcast trying to convince Luis that it's what happened.
Naturally we had some questions. Things like: How can Batman see through clouds of smoke from a collapsed building? What the hell is even with Jesse Eisenburg in this movie? Like seriously? Why are all DC movies in seemingly seperate universes in the first place? Don't they understand world building? Why is Alfred feeding into Batman's psychosis?
Our big question this week was WHY DID HE SAY THAT NAME?!?! WHY?? AND HOW DID LOIS EVEN HEAR IT?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Now on YouTube: Our first episode Ghostbusters! https://youtu.be/bgoHl73i07c