We Have Questions

We Have Questions

Jurassic Park

August 13, 2016

Hold onto your butts kids, grandpa Colonel Sanders is taking us on a magical adventure through a little place we like to call Jurassic Park. Alicia still messes up names in this episode but seriously like.. Who even notices? Right? …. Right? Whatever. All our in depth research into Chaos Theory leads us to believe a number of things, but mostly that Jeff Goldblum is kinda hot and kinda creepy at the same time. If you STILL need more reasons to watch this episode, let’s see what kinds of questions we talked about, shall we? Now sit here in this seat, it’s kind of a ride! Yay science! We asked questions like: Why is that one kid even IN the dig site? Who the hell designed this place? Why is NO ONE even concerned that Mr. Hammond could literally take everyone to his island just to eat them? Oh wait… that’s pretty much what happened… well, what’s a little nibble between friends, right?
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