Questionably Zesty

Questionably Zesty

Latest Episodes

Episode 31- What do you Hate about the Christmas Season?
December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas everyone, at this point everyone has given and received their gifts, everyone has been exposed to their family that they may or may not be able to handle during the holiday season, and finally things are winding down and you are a few drin

Episode 30.5- Why do people always say their exact Native American Heritage?
December 19, 2014

We figured this would be a good one considering we both have someone who is partially Native American and we are all mutts anyway. This might be a little offensive or racist, but its all of our own heritage so that makes it OK!

Episode 30- Do you Hate the Sound of People Chewing?
December 16, 2014

So we were about to start recording but then lunch arrived, so we decided to eat lunch while recording....and talk about food because two birds and one stone and what have you. Not to mention where else can you get the real experience of a conversation (t

Episode 29.5- If a Sign Maker goes on Strike what does his Picket Sign Say?
December 12, 2014

As we continue to evolve our Friday episodes we are going to start making sure they are at the very least 5 mins. So with that being the case we will term these 5 Minute Fridays(ultra creative right?). Today we talk about signs.... lots and lots of signs

Episode 29- What is a Lumber Sexual?
December 09, 2014

This episode has come about due to simply Brett being at work and hearing about it, so we explore what exactly is a "Lumber Sexual"? We personally think its someone having it a way with some Redwood but that's us.

Episode 26- Why do Dogs Eat their Own Shit?
November 19, 2014

This episodes we talk about a lot of shitty things both generally and specifically, parents posting shitty events on youtube before youtube existed, and where did the term bat shit crazy come from?

Season 2 SuperCut Part 2
November 12, 2014

Time for our favorite moments from season 2 all jammed into one single episode...Part 2. Still nothing funny to put here.

Season 2 SuperCut Part 1
November 04, 2014

Time for our favorite moments from season 2 all jammed into one single episode. Normally we have something funnier to put here, this time....nope

Episode 25- If you could remove one Law what would it be?
October 28, 2014

The final episode of our drunken episodes we ask if we could remove one law, which one would we get rid of. Before this episode even started, we already knew which one Brett was going to remove ;)

Episode 24- Why do we give Criminals a Celebrity Status?
October 21, 2014

We give criminals celebrity status and criminalize celebrities...and then the discussions takes a turn into who's hot for non physical reasons. Who do you think is hot for non physical reasons? Part 2 of 3 of our alcoholic adventure episodes.