Queer Life Crisis

Queer Life Crisis

Latest Episodes

3: Turkey Baster Musings
January 26, 2022

Why the heck are we on a turkey baster kick? No clue. And how did we miss Elvira's big coming out announcement? These are a couple of the topics we're mulling over today. We also have some fantastic l

2: Three Cats, Two Lesbians, One Vitamix
January 20, 2022

Today's episode features a hilarious conversation with Jessica and Nikki Gerson-Neeves, the Canadian owners of 3 cats who have claimed the couple's new Vitamix blender as their own. This story has gai

1: We Had to Start Somewhere
January 11, 2022

We're Mary and Shelly, cohosts of the successful, Latter-Day Lesbian podcast. However, in this show, we're ditching Mormonism to explore the everyday stories, struggles, and successes of the LGBTQ+ co