Common Job Interview Questions – Podcast #82

March 04, 2015

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On this week's episode, we're discussing common job interview questions. This conversation is prompted by a student from Rock Island High School that asked the following question:
What interview question is asked the most?
This is a great question and we expand the topic a bit by discussing four of the most common job interview questions:

Tell me about yourself.
Why do you want to work here?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in five years?

Most interviews will have all, or at least some of these questions. In this episode, I talk about how I don't think the employers are as concerned with your answers for these questions as much as they are interested in seeing how you handle yourself. Still, you should put thought into these questions and be prepared to answer each of these before you walk into the interview.

In this episode, I mention Episode #56 on your elevator pitch.  You can find that episode here:  Episode #56