How To Professionally Leave a Job For a Better Opportunity – #81

February 24, 2015

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Two students from different schools sent in very similar questions to be discussed on the podcast.
How do you professionally leave a job when you have a better opportunity?
- Mercer County High School

How do you inform your boss that you plan to quit because you found a new job?
- Moline High School

These are great questions. I talked about a similar topic back in Episode #53 - "Should you leave your job for a different position?"

Once you've decided to leave your job for a better opportunity, there are some things you should absolutely do. The first thing is to not just turn in your two week's notice, but also let your new employer know that, unless they're able to schedule around your existing schedule, you won't be able to start for two weeks.

I also give you an example of how you could present this situation and turn in your two week's notice to your original employer. Not turning in a two-week's notice will ruin your positive reference and your positive work experience.