Winter Job Market Slow-Down - Podcast #75

January 13, 2015

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If you’re looking for employment right now, you’ve surely noticed that there aren’t that many businesses hiring right now. The winter job market is always slow. But just because the job market has slowed down doesn’t mean there aren’t ANY jobs out there.

One industry that seems to hire year-round is fast food. On this episode, I give you some tips on applying for fast food jobs, including what it means when they say they are “accepting applications”.

Sure, the job market is slow but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be doing things to help prepare you for your job search. On this episode, I also give you ideas to help prepare yourself:

* Do Volunteer Work

* Build a Resume

* Fill out a Master Application

* Get organized


Mentioned in this episode: 4 Tips for Preparing for Your Job Search

The post Winter Job Market Slow-Down – Podcast #75 appeared first on QCSTEP.com.