PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 350 - Don't Sell Me a Semi-Automatic
February 21, 2023

One's response to the Gospel is automatic. When you are "One-Way-LUV'd", you automatically wish to respond -- with love! Belovedness engenders loving back. That's the point of this 350th Episode of PZ

Episode 349 - Atlantic Twist
February 21, 2023

This is a follow-up to "Joe Meek Is God", and observes the non sequiturs of one's life. I believe they are Providential, those decisive non sequiturs; and are best observed in the absence of a "narrat

Episode 348 - Joe Meek Is God
February 17, 2023

I've talked about Joe Meek before, but think I've finally gotten to the spiritual wisdom that lies beneath his many records. (Meek was an English independent record producer in the 1950s and '60s.)

Episode 347 - Perpetual Motion
February 15, 2023

What could really do it? What could actually revive the beneficent influence of the Christian Gospel on our current masochistic/sadistic world? "What Does It Take/To Win Your Love for Me" (Junior Walk

Episode 346 - Dumb Head
February 08, 2023

I'm not talking about dying these days in order to be a downer. What I am talking about now is the question of where one goes immediately after death.

Episode 345 - The KA of Gifford Hillary
February 04, 2023

Dennis Wheatley was an author "on the margins". In other words, he was a flawed writer who was not taken seriously by most critics. But his distinctly marginal themes and observations gave him a kind

Episode 344 - The Israelites
January 30, 2023

The recent death of an old friend (i.e., of 52 years' standing) has brought vividly to mind a vital distinction: the distinction between what actually took place in one's life and the interpretation/s

Episode 343 - Billion Dollar Brain
December 15, 2022

People conceal so much about themselves. They don't always mean to, but in one area or another they are afraid to say what's really going on -- especially inside themselves. Then, over time, they -- w

Episode 342 - Strange Conflict
December 13, 2022

One was struck recently when someone announced, "Your problem's been solved". "Come again?", I said. He added, "Your problem's been solved on the astral plane." Well, normally, that would not have com

Episode 341 - The Chinese Prime Minister
December 04, 2022

Three recent sudden deaths of old friends have called forth this Christmas podcast.
