PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 360 - Outta Gear
May 13, 2023

I think we probably all need to get "outta gear", at least to some extent.

Episode 359 - Better Late Than Never
May 12, 2023

Why isn't God intervening to make the world a less harsh and broiling place? 'Where are you, God? Come on, already.' Another way of putting it: What's taking You so long?

Episode 358 - The Wisdom of... Los Straitjackets
April 24, 2023

To me the music of Los Straitjackets gives hope for the last third of life.

Episode 357 - 'Mockingbird' en France
April 20, 2023

Thanks to my college friend, I've gotten hooked on a French mystery program -- in episodes of an hour and a half -- entitled "Murder in...". The producers fill in the blank with a stunning regional lo

Episode 356 - Happy Imputation Day
April 12, 2023

This cast reflects on "The Power of Love" (Huey Lewis & the News, 1985), and specifically the mind-blowing power of imputing love to create (unlooked-for) change. It's been done to me, and I'll bet it

Episode 355 - The Story of My Life (1957)
April 05, 2023

What you observe empirically, both in others and typically in yourselves, is that the closer you feel to God, as a married couple, the closer you feel to each other. Moreover, a shared vertical commit

Episode 354 - Beep Alonia
March 21, 2023

Here I am thinking about contact with the supernatural, with God, really: the curtain coming down between "God and man". Are you, dear listener, actually open to divine encounter? Or do you simply dis

Episode 353 - The Monster Swim
March 20, 2023

The supernatural is real. It is not the only means of navigating our lost and fallen world. But it is true nevertheless, at least in my opinion. When we die, our souls go somewhere. Loose ends need to

Episode 352 - Thou Shalt Not Steal
March 01, 2023

One is constantly trying to shoehorn reality into a preconception. So I want to believe a particular person is this way, i.e., my way; but he or she is not. They are their way. I'm desperate for someo

Episode 351 - "Been Invited to a Party"
February 28, 2023

There is so little one knows. Here one thought one had a "deep bench" when it comes to foreign films, and yet I knew nothing of Julien Duvivier!
