Pursuit Athletic Performance Podcast

Pursuit Athletic Performance Podcast

Latest Episodes

032: The Two Most Common Mistakes Endurance Athletes Make! [Podcast]
March 21, 2014

  What’s that old saying about the definition of insanity? To keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? When it comes to THESE two “most common” mistakes, get in line if you’re among the folks who routinely make

031: Intensity Metric Triangulation with Coach Will Kirousis [Podcast]
March 11, 2014

  Today I'm joined by coach Will Kirousis of Tri-Hard Endurance Sports Coaching to discuss a variety of training related topics.  I've known Will for many years and know him, along with his partner Jason Gootman, as among the finest coaches in the bu

030: Trueform Runner: A Remarkable Tool For Honing Your Running Technique [Podcast]
March 04, 2014

  If you’ve listened to our podcast or visited us at the gait lab, you know that we believe running form is a product of your mobility & flexibility, strength & stability, biomechanics, and what the brain tells the body to do.  In fact, in most cas

029: Break Out Of Your Winter Rut! [Podcast]
February 25, 2014

 Break Out Of Your Winter Rut! Coach Al shares some TIPS on how to find your motivation!  “Work involves whatever a body is obliged to do, and play involves whatever a body is NOT obliged to do.” – unknown Motivation is the fuel and propulsion b

028: Training and Life Balance: Have We Lost The Personal Connection? [Podcast]
February 20, 2014

  Training and Life Balance: Have We Lost The Personal Connection? Hi Everyone! Coach Al here. For today's podcast, we welcome a NEW guest, Pursuit Athletic Performance Triathlon team member, Olivia Syptak. Olivia is a Denver, Colorado based life...

027: Does Running With a Forward Lean Help Efficiency? Does Your Bike Pedal Fit Matter? We Answer [Podcast]
February 13, 2014

Hi Everyone! Today on the podcast we discuss two things. First, the foot-pedal interface is an important part of a bike fit, yet it is frequently overlooked.   When this is executed correctly, it can improve power and reduce injury. Second, we answer

026: Coach and Kurt and the Balance Puzzle (And We Don’t Mean Standing On One Foot) [Podcast]
February 08, 2014

We need to be in balance. We hear it so often it can sound cliche. But the simple concept of "being in balance" comes up over and over again in all facets of our lives. That's because the truth of its importance remains consistent over time. Coach comes

025: Discerning Gems from Junk in the Athletic Information Age (Podcast)
February 03, 2014

According to Darren Hardy, publisher and founding director of Success Magazine, we are bombarded by more than 30,000 marketing messages on a daily basis. How can any athlete hope to sort through such a mountain of information and effectively cull the whea

024: Race Day Nutrition: Plan A Fueling Strategy NOW (Podcast)
January 22, 2014

Hi Everyone! A little early in the year to talk race day nutrition? We don't think so.  The time to begin planning a fueling strategy is NOW, and in this podcast we review the many facets of how and why. We walk you through the following: Is there

023: Dr. Diane Hindman, PhD On Fitness Facts and Fallacies — Training, Weight Loss, Diet, Supplements, and More (Podcast)
January 16, 2014

Hey Everyone! I had a GREAT podcast session with inspirational speaker and spiritual entrepreneur Dr. Diane Hindman, PhD. On all things involving natural health, wellness, green living, nutrition, and fitness, Diane knows her stuff -- to say the least