Pursuing Health

Pursuing Health

Ep 162 – Simple, Sustainable Nutrition with EC Synkowski

September 22, 2020


“There's no diet plan, there's no 30 day challenge that's going to stick with you forever.  You, ultimately at some point, are in the driver's seat.”
- EC Synkowski
EC Synkowski is the founder of OptimizeMe Nutrition, a company dedicated to helping anyone improve their health and well being with simple, non-restrictive diet methods.
EC started CrossFit in 2006 and over time her enthusiasm and hard work led to seminar staff and flowmaster positions for the Level 1 and CrossFit Weightlifting courses, a CF-L4 certification, and a career as a Program Manager with CrossFit, Inc.  In 2017, EC stepped down from her position at CrossFit to focus on finishing her second master’s degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
From there, she founded OptimizeMe Nutrition, where she focuses on helping individuals understand nutrition physiology and it’s day-to-day application.
She is the creator of the #800gChallenge, a straightforward eating plan that encourages participants to maximize their fruit and vegetable intake and encourages the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods, and it’s slightly more advanced partner, Lazy Macros.
I was excited to catch up with EC for her second appearance on the podcast.  We talked about the 10 Principles of Nutrition, the importance of making sustainable changes to our diet, and the nutrition takeaways she’s gleaned from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This conversation left me feeling inspired, and Dani and I have decided to run a four week challenge using EC's Lazy Macros approach starting on September 28, 2020 for all of our Pursuing Health subscribers!
Our focus will be on eating 800 grams of fruits and vegetables and meeting protein goals each day, with a leaderboard to track people who demonstrate the most consistency with the 800g, protein, workouts, and sleep.
This challenge will be open to all subscribers at no additional fee. We're hosting a live Q+A for our subscribers on the evening of September 24th to answer all your questions and then we'll get started together on the 28th, so if you're not a Pursuing Health subscriber yet, today would be a great time to join!

In this episode we discuss:

EC’s 10 Principles of Nutrition
Her thoughts on fasting
Why the #800gChallenge has such a positive ripple effect on our nutrition
Her thoughts on the carnivore diet
The Lazy Macro approach
The impacts of under and overeating protein
Why she started The Consistency Project, and why she keeps tracking so simple
EC’s new podcast, The Consistency Project
The nutrition takeaways that have been reinforced by the COVID pandemic

You can follow EC on Instagram and Facebook, or on The Consistency Project podcast.
