PurSoul Remedies Podcast

PurSoul Remedies Podcast

PurSoul Remedies - Healthy Relationships (Live Podcast Show last June 08, 2022)

June 14, 2022

Are you tired of dysfunctional relationships that no longer work for you? Maybe it’s your boss, a family member, a friend, or a spouse. Listen to today's podcast if you are ready for something to change. Join Denise Kilonsky and Gabriela von Kanel Fyfe in this Podcast show where we talk about “Healthy Relationships.”

Denise will share information on an essential oil blend she created called “Realign my Relationships” that helps to support healthier relationships by creating more of a harmonious balance. This facilitates open-hearted communication by clearing the “noise” of past programming that can interfere. It highlights what works and what no longer serves the highest good of everyone you interact with to find a better way.

Gabriella talks about how relationships are formed in utero and develop within our families and shape us into who we become and how we relate to others. Once we are able to recognize our patterns, we can change how we express ourselves by changing our frequency. We need to learn how to value ourselves and be willing to show our authentic selves; identify what empowers us and what needs to fall away. It’s time to follow our hearts and what truly makes us happy and to invest our time in those relationships that nurture us, honor and uplift us.

For more content like this, go to https://activateevolution.com.

You can also find more information at: https://shop.eternalgoldbeauty.com/pages/pursoul

For private sessions with Denise: https://decuuniverse.members-only.online/denise

Host: Denise Kilonsky Title: DECU & OMcodes Practitioner/Teacher and Blending Alchemist for PurSoul Remedies

Co-host: Gabriela von Kanel Fyfe Title: DECU & OMcodes Practitioner; Transactional Analyst Psychotherapy CTA MSc., & Holistic Health Practitioner