"MENTAL NOTE" Great Minds and Music!

"MENTAL NOTE" Great Minds and Music!

ATTENTION REQUIRED! What do you give your attention to?

August 16, 2021

I value what I give my attention to, don't you? I have learned that attention given or received is very valuable.  I am very aware that in this world any and everything is always vying for your attention. I believe we must be intentional and wise about who and/or what we give our attention to.  Our attention equates to our time, our mental focus, senses (eyes, ears, smell etc.) What you give your attention to grows and sometimes it may not be what you had hoped for..on the flip side it could be EVERYTHING you dreamed about.   Let's ponder this for a few minutes...

#Today's Mental Note: What do we give our attention to?


In all things...Peace and Love