"MENTAL NOTE" Great Minds and Music!

"MENTAL NOTE" Great Minds and Music!

Faith..It works if you work it!

September 04, 2020

We all have heard that "Faith without works is dead", but what does that mean? Throughout my life, my faith has been tested. Many times, I didn't understand it while I was going through it.  As I have grown and matured in my walk with GOD, I have realized what it means to "work your faith".  A lot of times, people feel that they need an audience to pronounce their faith to, or need to constantly focus on what they are believing GOD for.  What I have found is that the moment I relax, and release my faith towards whatever I am believing GOD for,  it manifests in my life.  I work "IT" by not watching the pot to see IF it will boil...Instead I fix my heart in KNOWING it will boil, if the temperature( PRAYER and BELIEF, SPIRIT AND TRUTH) is set right.


In all things, 

Peace and Love,