

Practical Lesson in Not Worrying – Episode 18

October 30, 2015

When things don't go according to our plans and our expectations are left unmet we can often come face to face with the temptation to worry. The long pause in this podcast put just such a temptation in front of me. But I chose not to worry nor get anxious about it. One way we can protect ourselves from worry is to always be obedient. If we do what God tells us to do when he tells us to do it, that takes a ton of pressure off. Then we can relax in the knowledge that we’re tracking with his plan. The only way we can truly obey God is through an intimate personal relationship with him. If something doesn’t work out the way we expect it’s tempting to assume that we completely missed God in that area. However maybe we didn’t completely miss it. Maybe we only partially missed it. Unfortunately our brains are naturally wired to fill in the gaps when we don’t have all the information. That can be a big problem when it comes to following God. We need to pay attention to what God doesn’t tell us as much as to what he does say.