Pure Bliss

Pure Bliss

Pure Bliss 015 – At This Moment

December 29, 2017

At this moment, wherever you are, rest in the assurance that you are loved by the greatest love of all.
At this moment, rest in the belief that you were formed by the most powerful energy in the world, that lovingly crafted everything – from the grandest to the most minute detail of all that is.  That energy created you.
At this moment, rest in the belief that you can stop seeking perfection, because you’ll never get THERE, for perfection is in being in the moment.  Perfection is the journey.  Be here NOW.
At this moment, rest in the knowledge that most of what you worry about will never happen, so let all these untrue creations in your mind disintegrate, for they are only illusion.
At this moment, know for sure that every beautiful thing that you can imagine is coming your way. You just need to get into your attracting energy and out of your way to manifest it.
At this moment, know that you are understood, appreciated and supported.  God’s arms are wrapped lovingly around you.
At this moment, let your anxieties fall away, imagine taking a shower, and watching them fall, drifting and drain away.  Now you are new, fresh, clean, free of anxiety.
At this moment, imagine that you have the power to heal someone through your word.  Express that love, give that hug, look at someone and let your eyes radiate all the wonderful things you are feeling and thinking.
At this moment, forgive and know that you are forgiven.  Like the leaves carried away by the water in a river, let all the anger, unforgiveness, and judgment you feel towards others drift away.
At this moment, know that you are a beacon of light for all that come into your life.  Others can feel the warmth and bask in your love before they even see you.  You are a beacon of hope, a beacon of faith, a beacon of joy, a beacon of blessings for all whom you radiate upon.
At this moment, know that you are wonderful expectation.  Expectation of constant transformation, good and wonder.
At this moment, know that this moment is all.
Be in it.