Pulp Nightmare | Tales of The Unaccountable | Comedy | Weird | Movie Commentaries

Pulp Nightmare | Tales of The Unaccountable | Comedy | Weird | Movie Commentaries

PULPWATCH 1994: American Crime Story: The People V. O.J. Simpson Ep3

February 18, 2016

"He'll never stop being The Juice!" Uncle Juice is not black, he's OJ! And with one of their own enjoying a fresh glass of OJ, the boys of Pulp Nightmare continue their live trek through the long, drawn-out true life story fictionalized in continually tasteless fashion that is the FX's AMERICAN CRIME STORY: THE PEOPLE V. OJ SIMPSON. And Episode 3, The Dream Team, gives us answers to all important questions while simultaneously telling us nothing at all. Why does Marcia Clark seemingly never seem to stop smoking cigarettes? We don't know. When was Kato Kalein ever considered famous? Never explained. Who convinced Nathan Lane that joining this show was ever a good idea? We only have our assumptions. In perhaps the most boring showcase of this real life murder re-sensationalized for prime time cable, we do however learn the true origins of the Kardashian empire. And that has to count for something. Right? Give a listen as PULP WATCH 1994 continues. The Juice is loose! Download the episode here to escape!