Straight Outta Austin

Straight Outta Austin

Straight Outta Austin! #153

February 04, 2015

This week Josh Trujillo joins us on Straight Outta Austin! to tell us all about his Kickstarter for the Death Saves Anthology! Death Saves collects 16 all-new comic book stories about what happens when fantasy gaming characters run out of hit points. We discuss why you should check out the anthology, how you can contribute, and when you can expect to see it in print.
Josh joins us for the latter half of the episode as we tackle the headlines! We cover Terry Crews wanting to play Silver Surfer, how awful we think the new Fantastic Four movie will be, Joss Whedon wanting to make a “female Batman†movie, a Swedish reality show about hunting down online trolls, why you shouldn’t mess with the 4th tier Red Power Ranger, and the sad news that surprises no ones, the 6th Game of Thrones book will not be coming out this year. Here’s to a 2016 release, we hope!

Punching the Walls of Reality is an explosive jab at popular cultural and side splitting humor. We are a rising Austin-based website looking to expand our audience with our unique sense of humor and well-opined reviews that are becoming all too scarce throughout the vast expanse of the Internet.

We grew tired of reading sell-out reviews from some of the more well-known websites, and opted to do our own thing. We were never truly accepted into any one internet culture, as our opinions weren’t usually well met. The status quo established in forums like Jinxworld or MyIgn, were condensed with self-important jackasses corrupted by what little influence they obtained. Basically, if you didn’t agree, you were ridiculed. So two years ago, in the summer of 2011, we decided to open our own website, where we’d blog about games, movies and post up podcasts we record every Monday.