Planting The Seeds Of Change

Planting The Seeds Of Change

Ep. 012 Content Strategy And Influence - Planting The Seeds Of Change

March 23, 2017

Dawn Jensen, Social Business Coach
Dawn is an international social business coach and trainer for business owners and leadership teams. A strategic advisor, she delivers dynamic, interactive, and educational lectures and lectures as a sought-after speaker, and social business trainer. Dawn’s trained thousands of people on technology, social media and digital platforms since 2005, she provides support to CEOs, C-Suite Executives, business owners, and leadership teams in the United States, Canada, Europe, Saudi Arabia and Australia.
Dawn provides direction, platform, and a path through strategic digital marketing practices to create clients as digital thought-leaders and tribe-builders. She works with business owners, leadership teams, and select authors, coaches, speakers, and trainers to provide a cohesive, connected and powerful online presence.
A member of the Forbes Coaches Council, she resides as an outsourced social media consultant and digital marketing strategist for select companies. Dawn provides long-term, big-picture social business intelligence and training through strategic digital marketing practices creating clients as thought-leaders and tribe-builders.
Dawn’s Quotes:
“I feel as the cobbler’s kid, I do all those great things for my clients and I need to implement those strategies to myself.”
Her Favorite Book:

Her Contact Information: