Planting The Seeds Of Change

Planting The Seeds Of Change

Ep. 008 Growth Happens With Change - Planting The Seeds Of Change

February 23, 2017

Jamara Wilson, CEO & Business Process Analyst
Jamara Wilson is the CEO and President of Tuxedo Impressions LLC™. A company that helps small businesses establish efficiency through automation and organized systems. She has held numerous leadership roles in the community and enjoys supporting organizations who have a hands on approach in improving society.
She explains how growth has happened with the changes she experienced in her life.
Being focused and dedicated to your goals is what makes you embrace change and ultimately grow.
Jamara’s Quotes:
“There is a lot of inspiration and there is a lot of motivation out there…we are lucky to be at a time and a place where we have all those resources available”
“You have to be willing to outsource tasks even if you think no one can do it as well as you do.”
Her Favorite’s book:

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