PT TechTalk - Physical Therapy Marketing, Business, & Technology (Physio)

PT TechTalk - Physical Therapy Marketing, Business, & Technology (Physio)

Increase Profits in Your PT/OT Practice with StrataPT Practice Management | PT TechTalk ep.101

September 20, 2020

As a practice owner, you want to increase your revenue. The solution to increase your revenue is StrataPT's Industry-Leading Collections & Revenue Cycle Management.

Their revenue cycle management service is guaranteed to increase your revenue. On average, practice owners experience at least a 15% increase due to the billing efficiency and results that our team delivers!

This is possible through their All-Inclusive System -- one system to manage your entire practice.

Plus, spend less time documenting with their simple and customizable templates that saves you time (so you can spend more time with your family).

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If you are looking to start or expand your private pay practice...

Or, if you're an established practice frustrated with low insurance reimbursement...

And, you just want to provide excellent care to your patients, while achieving time and financial freedom, then check out: