The Psychology Webinar Group

The Psychology Webinar Group

Dr. Roby Abeles, Salene Souza and MATES

May 20, 2013

At the heart of many a mental illness comes an underlying trauma. A craft all on it’s own, treating these issues becomes somewhat of a specialty.

In addition to practicing their specialities in private practice and clinics around the world, Dr. Roby Abeles & Salene Souza have been in high demand for industry consulting & supervision to treat specifically this: Trauma.

To understand and work with the underlying problem is the the aim of all mental illness professionals, and needs to be addressed to allow the healing process to begin. Their studies, practical application, and subsequent success with clients has in actual fact been attributed to directing the process back one step first.

These two masters of trauma psychotherapy combine to deliver their honed craft to you.

Enter the MATES Resourcing Program.

The MATES Resourcing Program has taken the (rather complicated) neurophysiology theory associated with the fight/flight/freeze survival response; the anatomy and physiology of the autonomic nervous system; the root causes of addiction; the medical model of diagnosis and associated symptoms; and simplified them all into a single theory so that they can be understood by children, teens and adults and also by people of different cultural backgrounds with varying mental and emotional capacities.

Through the use of a simple diagram and metaphors, the MATES Resourcing Model is immediately depathologising, while it simultaneously ignites a genuine curiosity about one’s own brain and responses and a desire to start to explore using the MATES skills.

Sound confusing? It’s actually not.

Listen carefully, you might be surprised at how simple it really is…

See event details for MATES training here.

Follow the MATES Resourcing Program on Facebook.

Dr. Roby Abeles

Salene Souza


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Email Address *