The Psychology Webinar Group

The Psychology Webinar Group

Special Edition: Healing Developmental Trauma with Dr. Laurence Heller

April 04, 2013

A statesman in the field of trauma, Dr. Laurence Heller PhD (AKA Larry) talks about his book (authored with Aline LaPierre PsyD) “Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship”.

In this podcast, Dr. Heller discusses his work in developing NARM or the NeuroAffective Relational Model® as well as his history in Somatic Experiencing and specialty in developmental issues.

People mentioned in this podcast and where you can find them:

The Book: Healing Developmental Trauma

Enjoy :)

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$ymce = jQuery.noConflict();

/* Blank Field Check */
function blankFieldCheck(formID) {
err = 0;
msg = '';

if ($ymce('#7-e97bfa1ea8-email').val() == ''){
msg += 'Email Address'+'\n';
$ymce('#7-e97bfa1ea8-email').addClass('yks_error_field_required shake animated').delay(1200).queue(function(next){
$ymce(this).removeClass('shake animated');
} else {
if(msg != '')
// set up our alert for empty fields,
msg = "Error - The following fields are required, and may not be left blank "+":\n\n"+'

// prepend the notification to the user instead of alerting it
// fade it in
// and slide the user back up the the message so they don't miss it.
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return (err > 0 ? false : true);

Added event listener to form submission
@since v5.2
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// Make sure the api key exists
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var form_data = $ymce(this).serialize();

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success: function(MAILCHIMP)
if( MAILCHIMP == 1 )

// remove the preloader
jQuery( '.yks-mc-submit-preloader' ).remove();

// re-enable all input fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').children().each(function() {
$ymce(this).not('#wrapper').removeAttr( 'disabled' ).css( 'opacity' , '1' );

// re-enable all select fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'select' ).each(function() {

// custom message based on opt-in settings value
// single opt-in
if ( optinValue == 'false' ) {


} else { // double opt-in



/** Header Call Out Submission **/
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} else {

// remove the preloader
jQuery( '.yks-mc-submit-preloader' ).remove();

// re-enable all input fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find('input').each(function() {
$ymce(this).not('#wrapper').removeAttr( 'disabled' ).css( 'opacity' , '1' );

// re-enable all select fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'select' ).each(function() {

/* reset the form, append the confirmation before the form */
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'input[type="text"]', 'textarea' ).val( '' );


} else {

// bundle the MailChimp returned error
// with our yks mc error messages
$ymce('#yks_form_error_message').fadeOut('fast', function() {


if( MAILCHIMP.errorResponse.toLowerCase().indexOf( "is already subscribed to the list." ) >= 0 ) {

$ymce('#yks-mailchimp-form_7-e97bfa1ea8').prepend(''+MAILCHIMP.errorResponse+' Click Here to send an email to update your profile.').delay(1000).queue(function(next){
// remove the preloader
jQuery( '.yks-mc-submit-preloader' ).remove();

// remove disable from all input fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'input' ).each(function() {
$ymce(this).removeAttr( 'disabled' ).css('opacity','1');
// re-enable all select fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'select' ).each(function() {

var offset_top = jQuery('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').offset().top;
jQuery("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: offset_top - 50 }, 500 );

} else {

// remove the preloader
jQuery( '.yks-mc-submit-preloader' ).remove();

// remove disable from all input fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'input' ).each(function() {
$ymce(this).removeAttr( 'disabled' ).css('opacity','1');
// re-enable all select fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'select' ).each(function() {

var offset_top = jQuery('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').offset().top;
jQuery("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: offset_top - 50 }, 500 );


// append our error up above, much like the others!
error: function(error) {
jQuery( '#yks_form_error_message' ).remove();
jQuery( '.yks-mc-submit-preloader' ).remove();
jQuery( '.ykfmc-submit' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
// remove the preloader
jQuery( '.yks-mc-submit-preloader' ).remove();

// remove disable from all input fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'input' ).each(function() {
$ymce(this).removeAttr( 'disabled' ).css('opacity','1');

// re-enable all select fields while the data send...
$ymce('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').find( 'select' ).each(function() {

var offset_top = jQuery('#yks-mailchimpFormContainerInner_7-e97bfa1ea8').offset().top;
jQuery("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: offset_top - 50 }, 500 );
console.log( error );
return false;

jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'click' , '.update-email-profile-link' , function() {
jQuery( '.preloader-confirmation-box' ).remove();
var user_email = jQuery(this).attr('alt');
var list_id = jQuery(this).parents('form').attr('rel');
var list_id_split = list_id.split( '-' );
var list_id_final = list_id_split[1];
jQuery( '#yks_form_error_message' ).after( 'wpspin_light.gif' );
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: {
action: 'yks_mailchimp_form_submit',
form_action: 'send_update_email',
user_email: user_email,
list_id : list_id_final
dataType: 'html',
success: function(response) {
jQuery( '.preloader-confirmation-box' ).html( response );
console.log('success' + response);
error: function(errorResponse) {
jQuery( '.preloader-confirmation-box' ).html( errorResponse );
return false;


function extractEmails(text) {
return text.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/gi);

Email Address *

First Name

Last Name