The Oracle Treehouse

The Oracle Treehouse

Development of the Lower Dan Tian

September 29, 2015

On this week’s show we will be talking about the development of one’s lower dan tian. The lower tan dain one of the most powerful energy centers of the body and has been talked about in many cultures. Known by different names. The energy center of life just to name one.

We will talk the dan tian and we will do some practices to either expand your dan tian if you have been developing it already or if not then you can start today by learning some practices to start developing   your own dan tian.

I will also be taking your calls for readings and answering your questions.

Whether you’re new or returning to the show welcome and thank you for visiting the Oracle Treehouse. I am the lady of the Intuitive Reader and Healer Shenice. On the show we talk about any and everything spiritual from healing to mediumship and soul communication.  I take you calls for free readings and blessings. I also one on one private readings via phone or in person.