Psychology in Everyday Life: The Psych Files Podcast

Psychology in Everyday Life: The Psych Files Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep 249: How To Build a Psychology App
November 25, 2015

I created my Brain Mnemonics app in 2009 and ever since then people have asked me, "How do you build an app?". There are a lot of ways, but in this video I give you a behind the scenes look at my popular app called Brain Mnemonics.

Ep 248: Guest Host Bo Bennet on Dysrationalia
October 27, 2015

What is Dysrationalia? You've probably heard of a lot of intelligences - Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences and Goldman's Emotional Intelligence. Bo Bennett steps in to tell us about the work of psychologist Keith Stanovich's work on "Dysrationalia".

Ep 247: Optimum Arousal Theory
October 19, 2015

Here's a real life example of Optimum Arousal theory.

Ep 246: Why Replications Sometimes Don't Agree with the Original Study
September 14, 2015

What's the connection between life on Mars and the need to properly replicate scientific studies?

Ep 245: The Reproducibility Project: Incentives Out of Whack
September 08, 2015

Have you heard that about 100 Psychology studies were replicated and only about 1/3 confirmed the original findings? Incentives are out of whack. The "real world" of scientific research is far from the lone researcher looking for the truth.

Ep 244: Analyze This - Is This What Therapy is Really Like?
August 09, 2015

If you have not seen the movie Analyze This with Robert Deniro and Billy Krystal, then you really should. Its a funny movie and it also gets a lot about therapy right. So many movies portray psychotherapy poorly. This movie gets some things right

Ep 243: Did Your Therapy Really Work?
July 22, 2015

If you have been in therapy you want to believe it "worked". We all do. And hopefully it did have a positive effect on you. But how do you know?

Ep 241: I know What You DID'T Do - the Internet of Things for Dementia and Alzheimer's
June 13, 2015

How can technology be used to help people with Dementia and Alzheimer's? Here are a few examples. You may have heard of the "Internet of Things" - this is the idea that we can place small Internet-connected devices onto everyday household objects…

Ep 240: How Do You Treat People Who Are Ill?
May 29, 2015

We all want to help others - especially those in the "helping professions" - but what's the best way to do that? Therapy? How about setting up an entire fake village set up to look like the '50s with helping professionals dressed up to look like grocers?

Ep 239: Racial Divide: Why Does It Happen? How We Can Fix It
May 04, 2015

Why does conflict emerge as it did in Baltimore last week, among the police and the African-American community? Is it caused by poor parenting? Poverty? Joblessness? I provide a psychological perspective on the situation.