Psychedelic Salon

Psychedelic Salon

Podcast 647 - "Why Burning Man"

March 04, 2020

Today's podcast features the 2019 Palenque Norte Lecture by digital artist Android Jones. This was his 17th consecutive trip to Burning Man, and his wife and two young children were with him. In his talk, which was led by questions from the audience, he sums up his idea of Burning Man by saying, "Burning Man is like a handicap Olympics for art. Everybody gets a medal. There's no bar at all. The bar went away. Anything fits in. And we realize the handicap that all of us have in common is that we have the handicap of our trauma. Because it's our trauma, I believe, that is one of the unifying factors that brings us out here. Healthy people don't go out to the middle of the desert, do drugs and get naked with other healthy people."