Digital Strategy Technology Consultant - Patrick J. Santry

Digital Strategy Technology Consultant - Patrick J. Santry

Latest Episodes

B2B e-Commerce, Who's Your End User?
July 15, 2014

When you think of your B2B site who is your end user? Who are you selling to? It's not the mom and pop across the street who is using to buy shampoo, a stereo, or a book. In most cases with B2B it's another company who is using your products to

Content Management vs Content Marketing
July 12, 2014

So what does all that mean? Essentially content management is the way to manage and structure content, content marketing is gauging the performance of that content. Also, we're talking marketing, so the gauging performance is one area, another is the actu

With Passion Comes a Stellar Career
July 07, 2014

How do you build yourself as a consultant to become recognized above and beyond the fold? In this article, I'll use myself as an example (now my ego is not this monstrosity that I believe I'm a super star), and show you how you can go from being a great c

What?! You Don't Have a Content Management System Yet?!
June 29, 2014

Are you still creating static HTML pages, or have some custom in-house application that someone wrote years ago and you don't remember who? Maybe it's time for you to implement a content management system (CMS) then. Let's run down the benefits of why you

Don't Let Social Media Kill You
June 25, 2014

Ok, maybe not death, but impact to your business. In a previous article I wrote about the fake likes, followers, and building a false perception in social media, and now for some more of the dark side.

The Case for Social Networks in the Business
June 22, 2014

Having worked in the entertainment industry, they tend to be one step ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to using web technologies to promote their business, artist, talent, whatever. How can lessons learned from that apply to your business in t

Building a Community Site - It's all about people
June 19, 2014

Sometimes in the online world when approaching a project people seem to classify the issues facing a website as a technology issue. It's as if building a web site is this mysterious thing wrapped in so much technology it's just too much handle. Just sitti

Are You a LinkedIn Floater?
June 06, 2014

I find articles and discussions I read on LinkedIn usually provide me with fodder for blogging on my site. This week I noticed a lot of articles that are reduced in quality, which makes me think LinkedIn has opened the floodgates on who is allowed to post

Social Media's Dirty Little Secret
June 03, 2014

I blogged previously about tagging of posts, and how the technology is great since the tags are applied by humans and not some algorithm like the Googlebot. But there is a dark side, since there is a value for a company to get their posts seen by as many

What You Need To Know About Blog and Social Management
May 29, 2014

It may seem overwhelming to have a website, and make blog posts, and trying to build up your online and social presence. Especially for the small company where you may be an employee of one or a few, and have to wear many hats. In order to grow and keep u