Economics of Place

Economics of Place

The Prosperity Agenda: What Made You Fall in Love with Your Michigan Community?

February 24, 2015

When you think about your community what is it you love most about it? Is it the people? Is it the things to do and places to experience? The next Michigan Prosperity Agenda on News/Talk 760 WJR explores what makes people love their cities. Specifically, we discuss the key role arts and culture can make in having someone fall in love with their town. My co-host this month is freelance writer and editor Natalie Burg and our guests are Jennifer Goulet, President and CEO of Creative Many; Peter Kageyama, author of “For the Love of Cities: the Love Affair Between People and Their Placesâ€, and the follow up, “Love Where You Live: Creating Emotionally Engaging Placesâ€; and Mark Tucker, Artistic Director, and Shary Brown, President of the Board of Directors of WonderFool productions out of Ann Arbor. The Michigan Prosperity Agenda is a monthly radio show that challenges listeners to help make Michigan a better place to live, work and play by creating vibrant and prosperous local communities. It has aired on News/Talk 760 WJR since 2010. The hour-long radio program is hosted by me, Dan Gilmartin, CEO of the Michigan Municipal League (the League). The show is sponsored by the League and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). The League’s next show airs 7 p.m., February 25, 2015 on News/Talk 760 WJR, but you can listen anytime at the League’s website or by subscribing to the FREE iTunes podcast. Learn more about the placemaking concept here as well as on this blog.