Economics of Place

Economics of Place

The Prosperity Agenda: The Evolution of Placemaking

June 21, 2016

We kicked off the first Prosperity Agenda radio show at News/Talk 760 WJR in January 2010, and we’ve seen placemaking come a long way since then. We know the importance of creating places where people want to live, work and enjoy, enabling people to build communities they love. The Michigan Municipal League has been instrumental in helping Michigan communities become engaged in placemaking, working with many partners over the years.

On this month’s radio show, we’re bringing together state and international experts in placemaking who have worked with us at the League and used their ideas to turn around cities such as Detroit.

It’s an ongoing project, and there is always another community that can benefit from placemaking. So there is a lot to talk about. My co-host for this month’s show is Natalie Burg, writer and owner of Vail Half Full Communications in Ann Arbor. Our guests are placemaking author Peter Kageyama; Fred Kent, founder and president of Project for Public Spaces; and placemaking innovator Josh McManus, of Rock Ventures.

The Michigan Prosperity Agenda is a monthly radio show that challenges listeners to help make Michigan a better place to live, work and play by creating vibrant and prosperous local communities. It has aired on News/Talk 760 WJR since 2010. The hour-long radio program is hosted by me, Dan Gilmartin, CEO of the League. The show is sponsored by the League and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). The show airs 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 22, 2016, on News/Talk 760 WJR, but you can listen anytime at the League’s website or by subscribing to the FREE iTunes podcast. Learn more about the League’s placemaking work here on this blog.