The Voice of the Prophet

The Voice of the Prophet


August 03, 2021

The Haftarah portion for Re'eh (Isaiah 54:11–55:5) narrated in English by Ronald Guttman.
Note: in some years, including 5778, when Rosh Hodesh Ellul falls on Shabbat Re'eh, many congregations read the haftarah for Rosh Hodesh on Shabbat morning, and this haftarah is deferred and read together with the fifth haftarah of consolation two weeks later.
Questions for Discussion:
This third haftarah of consolation and comfort contains a beautiful promise of a society established on righteousness, and consequently free of oppression, fear and ruin.
• In what ways is our current society established on righteousness, and where and how is righteousness lacking?
• What do we suffer from as a result of lack of righteousness in our foundations? How would we be freer if we were to address our failings?
JTS wishes to acknowledge the generosity of the Jewish Publication Society for allowing us to use their translation.