Project Padawan | A Star Wars Fan Podcast for the Beginner

Project Padawan | A Star Wars Fan Podcast for the Beginner

The Hutt Clan: Beyond Jabba – TS#11

September 22, 2016

If you have ever seen the Original Trilogy of Star Wars movies (Episodes 4, 5 & 6), you are probably familiar with Jabba the Hutt. From his grotesque appearance to his unmistakable speech patterns, Jabba was and is a classic character from the Star Wars universe. However, Jabba is not the only Hutt in the galaxy. In fact, the Hutt Clan was a powerful crime syndicate who ruled in many ways for many years. Basic Facts

The Hutt species were large, slug-like sentient species. They hailed from the planet Nal Hutta, which was a hot, swampy planet perfect for the Hutts. The Hutts were known as "galactic gansters", controlling criminal operations in the outer rim and other areas. They were ruthless and violent when they needed to be. Beauty is Skin DeepHutt started off their lives as little "Huttlets" but would grow to be large creatures when they were adults. They would live for many years also. For example, Jabba the Hut was over 600 years old when he was killed.

Rodda, Jabba's Son
Their body mass was made up of thick, leathery skin which was over wet and slimy. They had large mouths and stubby arms. As stated, they were typically very large in adulthood. Some Hutts also suffered from genetic issues causing their skin to be without pigment and cause it to crack. History in the MakingFor centuries, the Hutt Clan ruled over a criminal enterprise. They ruled over various planets, including Tatooine and Ryloth. They would enslave people, such as the Nikto people and make them do their "dirty work."

Jabba's Palace
The Hutts had a variety of dealings with the Galactic Repulic as well as the Galactic Empire. They help the Republic after Anakin Skywalker and his padawan, Ahsoka Tano, rescued Jabba's son, Rotta. They then assisted the Empire, overseeing a variety of prisons and working to keep things "in line" for the Empire. The Hutts power took a major hit when their most well known leader, Jabba, was killed by Princess Leia just prior to the Battle of Endor (Return of the Jedi). Because of this, Leia would earn the name "Huttslayer" from ​enemies of the Hutts.A Family Affair Although Jabba the Hutt is the most well know, there were other members of the Hutt clan as well. Here are just a few examples:

Oruba the Hutt was a ruling member of the Hutt Council. Oruba suffered from the genetic issue which caused him to have pale, cracking skin. Our to this, Oruba would often pamper himself.

Zero the Hutt was Jabba the Hutt's uncle. He conspired with Count Dooku to have Jabba's son kidnapped so he could take over the family operations. This backfired, however, and he was sent to prison on Coruscant. He later escaped but then had to face even more dangerous obstacles.

Gorge the Hutt was in charge of watching the credits that came into the Hutt clan. He was also a ruling member of the Hutt council. His voice was listened to well, almost as much as the mighty Jabba.Something Funny? on Disney Video
This scene is from "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" in which Jabba the Hutt is discussing a deal with Cad Bane, a bounty hunter. Get Connected​Find me on the following social media places and follow, like and other that other good stuff!


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